Our Gallery
Reception - Stay and Play, by Miss Hulmes
Nursery Tea Party, by Mrs Hankinson
Reception - Bridge Hall Library Visit, by Miss Hulmes
Year 6 Millie's Trust - First Aid Workshop, by Mrs Lennon
Year 6 Residential-Kingswood, by Mrs Lennon
World Book Day 2024!, by Miss McFadyen
World Book Day March 2024!, by Mrs Smart
Reception - Zoo Lab!, by Miss Hulmes
Year 6 Bike Ability, by Mr Smith
Year 3, by Miss Edwards
Year 6's Crucial Crew Trip, by Mr Smith
Year 6 - NAVY STEM Workshop, by Mr Smith
NSPCC Workshops, by Mrs Smart
Reception Stay and Play, by Miss Hulmes
Year 6 Enrichment - October 2023, by Mrs Smart
Year 4 - Enrichment in School October 2023, by Mrs Smart
Science Workshop at Cheadle Hulme School - Year 5, by Mrs Smart
North America VVE Year 6 Theme Day September 2023, by Mrs Smart
Reception Visit St Ambrose Church!, by Miss Hulmes
Coronation Day! 5th May 2023, by Mrs Smart
Reception Library Visit -April 2023, by Mrs Smart
'Stay and Play' in the Willow Garden - March 2023, by Miss Hulmes
Bridge Hall Library Visit, by Miss Hulmes
Science Workshop Year 5 -March 2023, by Mrs Smart