Curriculum Design - Intent, Implementation and Impact
Whole School Curriculum
We ensure our school has a curriculum which inspires, challenges and secures childrens’ long-term understanding of key concepts, knowledge and skills in every subject.
Our vision here at Adswood Primary is for all children to ‘Enjoy, Believe and Achieve’. We are committed to delivering a curriculum which enables all our children to become confident and ambitious, lifelong learners. We aim to develop our children’s skills and knowledge as well as encouraging curiosity, aspiration and a love of learning that will continue into adulthood. We aim to deliver a curriculum that is suited to our unique context.
Core Values
Enjoy - A curriculum that engages, enthuses and excites every child. Designed to ‘hook’ every child in, arouse natural curiosity and promote an appetite for lifelong learning.
Believe - A curriculum that provides a range of opportunities, designed to develop every child’s sense of what is possible for them to achieve now and in their future lives, in above all else, feel valued and cared.
Achieve - A curriculum that ensures all children have the skills, knowledge and crucially, the attitude to achieve in all aspects of their lives based on our strong knowledge and pedagogy, as well as our understanding of our children’s needs and our unique context.
Our curriculum is knowledge rich, broad and balanced and designed to ensure our children have a personalised curriculum that is inclusive and engaging.
Our Learning Challenge Curriculum is built around the principle of greater child autonomychild-led learning. It recognises the importance of deeper levels of knowledge and understanding which underpins children’s thinking, promoting learning at greater depth. A key question is used as a starting point which naturally ignites their curiosity, prompting the question-‘What we want to know?’
We use research by the Education Endowment Foundation around Metacogntion and Self-regulation in school and use strategies in the classrooms that will enable children to retain and recall knowledge. Lessons are expertly designed to develop children’s mastery of a subject. This can be through small steps or through the development of an enquiry in a lesson.
The Learning Challenge Curriculum provides opportunities for the application of numeracy, literacy and computing skills through an integrated cross-curricular approach to teaching and learning. Thus enabling children to consolidate learning and providing a sense of purpose.
Effective questioning is a crucial component of all our lessons. Key questions are planned to encourage children to think about their learning, to reflect upon previous learning and to make connections between new and existing learning. We also encourage them to build upon their peers learning.
We encourage adults and children to use both rich language and precise vocabulary linked to the subject area that they are studying so that they can understand it and can then use it to reason, articulate and make generalisations.
All staff use a reflective approach to each lesson to evaluate learning and to plan next steps for all children. This includes a daily feed forward and feedback session to plan future learning.
Through everything we do, our staff are dedicated to supporting individual children to overcome barriers to learning, including support for social, emotional and/or academic barriers.
Improving children’s growth mindset and resilience is an essential part of our curriculum. Staff take time to understand what motivates each child to learn, applying the concept of metacognition.
As part of our drive to improve children’s aspiration and ongoing motivation for learning, V.V.E (visits, visitors and enrichment) opportunities within and outside school are essential parts of our curriculum. A V.V.E opportunity is provided at the beginning of each new theme and at the end to showcase and evaluate learning.
We see ourselves as learners and the development of our learning and our parents/carers understanding of the curriculum is crucial to all of the key points above.
Children’s knowledge, understanding and progress across all subject areas as well as their desire and ability to learn will be measured by:
- Children's outcomes
- Childrens voice
- Work watch
- Lesson observations-monitoring of learning not teaching
- Data scrutiny
- Learning walks
- Regular ‘drop-ins’
- Floorbooks
- Cluster moderations
Our curriculum lead Mrs Amanda Lennon would be happy to discuss our curriculum offer with you. Please feel free to contact her on alternatively contact the school office and we can arrange a time for you to meet.