Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mental Health and Well-being
As a school, the emotional well being of our school community is at the centre of everything we do. We have a dedicated Inclusion Team, led by our Pastoral Care Manager, who provide differentiated, unique, targeted interventions to assess, improve and support the emotional well being of our pupils and their families. We use a wide range of strategies for example, cooking classes, 1-1 emotional coaching and intervention, restorative approaches, dramatic exploration, physical activity and targeted/child initiated play. We co-ordinate multi agency involvement to get the best possible support for each individual case. We value the importance of mental health and we strive to improve it for all pupils, families and staff.
The school is part of the Greater Manchester Mentally Healthy Schools Project led by Mr Clarke. This includes support in school from various agencies including a counsellor one day a week, regular training for both support staff and teaching staff, Mental Health Ambassadors and champions and frequent visitors into school to talk about positive mental health and well-being for all.