At Adswood Primary School our vision is that children will become
confident and fluent mathematicians who have a passion for
All children will use their prior knowledge of mathematical skills to
build on each year throughout their time at Adswood Primary School.
Children will be able to communicate to others their mathematical
workings. They will have key fact instant recall, and show reasoning
throughout all mathematical topics.
Mathematical understanding begins in Nursery from play-based
learning to maths lessons focusing on numbers, colours, sizes etc. In
Reception and Key Stage One the children are exposed to Mastering
Number lessons, in order to master their understanding around
In Key Stage1 and 2 the White Rose scheme is used as a base for
our Maths lessons. The scheme is adapted to meet the needs of our
children and intertwined with metacognitive methods such as ‘I do,
We do, You do’.
The children’s knowledge is deepened further with the use of APE’s
throughout the school, requiring them to ‘Answer, Prove and Explain’
their mathematical thinking.
Furthermore, as a school we feel it is important to boost children’s
confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, we showcase our best pieces
of Mathematical workings on our WOW Walls and share our work with
parents/carers via Seesaw.
Children’s knowledge, understanding and progress across all Maths,
as well as their desire and ability to learn, will be measured by:
Children's outcomes
Children’s voice
Work watch
Lesson observations - monitoring of learning
Data scrutiny
Learning walks
Regular ‘drop-ins’
Maths CPD opportunities for all staff
Maths Hub moderations
As a whole school, we also celebrate Maths Week England and National Number Day every year.