English as an Additional Language (EAL)
At Adswood Primary School we have an exciting and diverse school community. We take every opportunity to enable all our children to share their own cultural and ethnic knowledge enriching our children’ learning and understanding of the world.
English as an Additional Language is for any pupil who heard a different language than English when they were born. It is also for children who do not know any English language. In England, such learners are defined as those who have been ‘exposed to a language at home that is known or believed to be other than English’ (Department for Education, 2019).
Stockport currently has over 150 languages spoken across our schools. There are at least 22 different languages spoken and heard by our children, including our staff and in our school community. Accurate figures are reported termly at the Full Governing Body.
We welcome children who are new to English as well as bilingual speakers. At Adswood Primary School, we want all children to be aware of the richness and diversity of languages within the school, and we aim to ensure that bilingual children feel that their bilingualism is recognised as a very positive asset for their future.
Once a pupil has been registered as EAL the school will assess and monitor each pupil throughout the year. We assess to ensure we can identify any gaps in knowledge and target these gaps with appropriate strategies and interventions. To achieve these aims we have various policies including an EAL policy.
We work closely with the Ethnic Diversity Service who deliver training to our staff, as well as working in collaboration with us to help support a pupil when needed. The Ethnic Diversity Service also share information about special celebrations, festivals and cultural events which are occur each term. These are sent out across the whole school.
New to English pupils will receive a welcome pack which they will work through in class. This will help us to learn about them and settle them into school.
We ask our EAL pupils to take part in an EAL pupil voice. This is so we can hear their opinion regarding their learning and school life.
Our EAL parents are an important part of the Adswood community. We are happy to assist our EAL parents if they require help. Please let us know at the office. We can arrange an interpreter if needed. We also run EAL coffee mornings per term, as an opportunity to start pathways to promote new friendships and links with the wider community.
At Adswood Primary school we are focused on delivering rich and diverse English language opportunities for all of our children.